Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Trough Vince's lens

I had a camera with me and once in a while I remembered to snap a shot or two. Most of them are shaky but at least some are useable and not filled with passing genitals. Have fun checkin' us nutjobs out, eh!

This here is a VW Sprinter, The Bang Bus or "home". That's where me, Jony(pic), Anthon and Sammye spent two weeks while we rode trough various euro-countries playin' shows in pretty much all of them. A Sprinter is...well cozy enough even for four guys for such a long time but we had to fit a few extra members as well.

Some of You might recodnize this charming character from behind the mixing table at our live shows. You can call him Markku. We call him a bunch of names but I don't think he'd appreciate me writing them here.

Say hi to our driver Jusu. It was his first time driving round rock hippies, but he managed to keep his sanity. Jusu also did a fantastic job with selling our merchandise.

And finally, this is Niina, or "Mami" as the crew called her. She took care of our daily routines but also managed to fit in a jäger or two.

We tried to use our time in the car wisely, so often one of us was trying to put their hair in order...

...alltough it did go horribly wrong while driving on the bumpy roads in Poland. (Poodle, Hah!)

Ahhh, good Ol' Sammye! He was very popular with the females over there in Central Europe. Perhpaps it's his way with (german) words that gets the fans all worked up. He did more authographs and is now featured in more MySpace profile pictures than the rest of us.

Usually after the shows I was soaking wet and totally beat. You should've seen the bruises on my feet after all that mic stand kickin' and knee droppin'!But me and the bro, we had a little secret...

Are you sure that's Lovex and not White Flame?

Or is this Lovex?

Now THIS is White Flame!!

Oh yes! Miss You we will!! It was a long and exhausting journey but we had

Cool shows(I'm in the crowd BTW)...

...tasty and nutricious food and drink...

...new (and improved) frindships..

... and even reuniting some siblings. All in all that was time well spent. After two weeks of constant travelling and doing shows it was time to head on home. But first we got some packin' to do since half of our stuff had been riding in the Lovex bus.

You got that last piece? Good, let's go home now?

PHEW! What a ride! Have as back real soon now! For pictures that actually include me(and maybe the others too), go to Myspace and check out pics sent in by all of You wonderful Flames and Flamettes!

Cheers! Vince

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Vocalist's log, rockstardate 5.8.2008, 10:39

So here I am, fresh out of the shower with a cup of coffee and a keyboard. All I would need now is some crushed pineapple and curd and I'll be set.

It's day two here at Seawolf studios. Or day three, as we arrived on sunday already. It would seem to be that whenever we make an album me and Jony must travel to the scene together. Just like last time, I watched aside as he packed his VW Golf with drums and guitars as well as our personal stuff. Well, at least we saved some space since we didn't have that big Nokia bag I used to carry around. This time I only took a backbag. Oh, and my PS2.

Yesterday was the first day of recording. We are doing Jony's parts this week. It's just me, Jony and Anthon here, with Petri Majuri pressing the record-button. We got off to a good start, waking up around 10:00(Yeah, I couldn't believe it either!) and pretty much starting right away. I think it helps alot that we are doing the drums the same way as last time. Jony and Petri had no trouble in finding a satisfying tuneup for the drums and setup for the mikes. The only thing we went back to adjust was the tone of the snare drum. But It's safe to say that everyone is pleased with it now.

No matter how You prepare these tunes, theres always some new crazy shit You come up with once that rec-light is on. It's only when You hear the actual tracks with a proper sound that You can notice if something is missing or something could just be like a gazillion times cooler. Poor Jony's had so much to remember in just one day that if he'd have to do them over today he wouldn't know what goes where. But luckily me and Anthon get to mess with his head with completely new stuff today.

Well, I should be going now since I hear some banging(although I can barely hear it over Kakko's powermetal voice) coming from our headquarters. They can't possibly manage without my snotty remarks and stupid ideas.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

White Flame Blog

Finally White Flame has their own BLOG! Here you can read texts written by band members and get information what really happened there where the band were. This can be very weird thing to read and you do it by your own risk. 

Be carefully 'cause this can ruin your mind forever!